"60 Minutes" on Sunday aired a story in which former doctors and hospital officials charged HMA with running unnecessary tests and admitting patients without cause, to increase its profits. '60 Minutes' Allegations of quotas, fraud denied by In the "60 Minutes" segment, Kroft showed Levine a physician performance review from an HMA hospital in Durant, Okla., that included an admission goal of 20 percent. Levine said he had never seen such a document. "That's not from our company," he told Kroft. "I don't know where that came from." Health Management's '60 Minutes' Slump Subsiding - Barron's Dec 04, 2012 Health Management Falls 5.7% After 60 Minutes Segment Dec 03, 2012

Health Management's '60 Minutes' Slump Subsiding - Barron's

Even #60Minutes Is Sometimes on Shaky Ground | HMA Public

Dec 20, 2012

60 Minutes - Full Episodes Video - CBS News Watch 60 Minutes Full Episodes video on View the latest 60 Minutes videos, interviews, features, profiles, and more. DOCTOR & HOSPITAL FRAUD & CORRUPTION WATCH THIS ! - …